Reiki, 5 Powerful Reasons To Know It

On this occasion, I want to take the opportunity to answer several questions that you have sent me about Reiki and its benefits. It's a topic that I love, and I love sharing my experience with this wonderful art of healing that has contributed so much to my life, ready? 

What Is Reiki?
Japanese Reiki is a natural treatment of millennial healing that was rediscovered by Master Mikao Usui in Japan at the beginning of the last century. It is a technique of energy harmonisation that helps restore physical, mental and emotional health.

I said rediscovered because Master Usui sent it to us in the concrete way we know it today, but Reiki is based on the ancestral practice known as the imposition of hands that has been practised all over the world since the beginning of humanity. No, Reiki practitioners do not wear a cone hat, nor is it something of miracle workers and self-righteous, because it really is a natural ability of the human being, which like many other skills we have forgotten. Things as mundane as putting your hand on your damaged knee after falling or transmitting your support to someone who suffers by putting a hand on your shoulder or a mother's loving caresses on your baby are also laying on of hands. The only difference with a practitioner is that he is trained to channel energy and can distinguish the different energy frequencies, in addition to learning to care and keep as clean as possible that wonderful channel that we all have.

The human being, like other beings, channels energy. We do it constantly, almost always automatically, and when we do it consciously, with intention, we can empower it and take better advantage of its benefits. And Reiki is a way to use the healing characteristic of energy. Reiki energy is usually applied through the hands, but it is also done through the eyes, the breath and even the soles of the feet.

What Does The Word Reiki Mean?
Rei means Universe and Ki Vital Energy, so Reiki could be translated as Universal Energy of Life.
Reiki energy is the highest and most pure energy, it is healing. And it receives different names according to the beliefs of those who practice it, from Universal Energy, Unconditional Love, Christ Energy or even God.

For a better understanding of this post, I recommend, if you have not read it, the previous article where we talked about the different energy frequencies and the tendency of energy to harmonise.
What does energy have to do with my health?

Since everything is energy, then our body is also energy, and in order for it to function properly (so that there is health), this energy has to be able to flow freely through our organism. Unfortunately, this often does not happen because there are blockages or stagnation of energy in one or more areas of our body. If there is a blockage, the energy does not circulate properly and can lead to illness.
The causes of these blockages can be many:

Both physically: for a poor diet, for not drinking enough water, for not sleeping well, for the radiations that constantly cross us, etc.
as on a mental and emotional level: by an excess of repetitive thoughts, by difficulty adapting to the changes that appear in our life, by having a negative vision of the world and of ourselves, by conflicts in relationships both in the couple, in the family, at work, with money.

All this is stress for your body. There is a type of stress that is beneficial and necessary because it is what drives us to action (the so-called eustress, yang energy or fire), but if the stress is sustained in a prolonged way it can start to alter the person's immune system causing the illness.
And how can the best Reiki techniques help me? 5 powerful reasons to know Reiki:

First Reason: Power The Self-Healing Power Of Our Body - Strengthens the Immune System
The higher the frequency of the energy, the more it is more subtle, more fluid, and therefore, it circulates more easily, and we have said that Reiki is a high vibration energy. When applying Reiki to a person we are raising their average frequency while balancing it because increasing the frequency improves circulation and undoes the densified energy blocks, restoring health. Reiki balances our energy system by lowering the body's stress levels and thus achieving an optimal level of vibration in which the self-healing mechanisms of the body are activated.

Our body has incorporated a natural system of survival, adaptation and extraordinary self-repair that works 24 hours a day every day. On many occasions, if we leave enough time for him to react naturally, we can avoid having to apply other methods that are much more aggressive for our health.
It is better to prevent.

When a harmful vibration manifests itself through the disease, it is because the damage is already in a very advanced state. Long before our entire system (body, mind, emotions, and moods) turns on the alarms warning us that something is not right, but we have the bad habit of ignoring or anesthetising, and so we let the problem keep moving forward. We have only turned off the fire alarm, but we do nothing to put out the fire, which continues to grow and move forward.

If we apply Reiki in these cases in the initial moments, we can tackle the problem before it leads to a pathology. That is why Reiki is very useful as a preventive method. So a Reiki can help us keep our vehicle in good condition from time to time.

Second Reason: Strengthens Healing Processes Of Medical Treatments
Although Reiki is committed to the healing strength of nature and enhances these natural healing mechanisms of the same body as maintenance and prevention of more serious diseases, in no case is it a substitute for traditional medical treatment. The benefits of Reiki can be added to a medical treatment helping to make the healing process flow more easily and of course, it respects that there are cases in which a more aggressive intervention is necessary. 

In these situations, Reiki can be an important support for your contribution to:

Neutralise the side effects of medications.
Decrease the effects of aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy.
Reduce the stress caused by the fact of suffering a serious illness, this in addition to improving the quality of life of the person, helps the body's defence systems to act and begin to work properly.

That is why it is increasingly used in hospitals, especially in the United States and northern Europe, and is beginning to be introduced timidly in some hospitals. There is still much ignorance and suspicion in the hospital setting, although there are more and more scientific studies that prove the benefits of Reiki and doctors and nurses who learn and practice Reiki "secretly". To this must be added the misinterpreted professional intrusiveness as it is usually offered in a disinterested manner by voluntary Reiki practitioners who, as I said, deeply respect medical treatments. We must not forget the interests and the power of the big pharmaceutical companies that do not want let's stop depending on them even when it's not necessary.
Reiki in addition to acting on a physical level, also acts mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Third Reason: It Gives Us Inner Peace And Mental Clarity - Calm the Nervous System
One of the most common immediate effects of therapy is deep relaxation. Most people feel light, calm as if they had taken a huge weight off. That is why it is highly recommended for:

Overcome stress and anxiety
Recover the dream, in case of suffering insomnia
Increase mental clarity
Reach a broader perspective of situations that help us to have a more decisive attitude

Reiki increases the frequency of our thoughts and lowers the excess energy that accumulates in the head due to the overload of useless and repetitive thoughts, this allows to free up mental space (there are people who have so much dense energy accumulated in the head that they literally take out smoke)

Fourth Reason: It Helps Us Recover Emotional Stability
Emotions are taxed on our body in different parts and organs. For example, we usually have enough emotions stuck in our chest (sadness in the lungs and the closed heart) and solar plexus (we usually have situations pending assimilation stuck in different parts of the digestive system).

By applying Reiki in these areas we help to release the emotional blockade and allow us to recover the emotional stability so necessary to solve the small problems of everyday life and face the great challenges of life. Among the many emotional discomforts for which Reiki is very beneficial, we can highlight its contribution to overcoming states of depression.

Fifth Reason: It Drives Our Spiritual Growth
When one receives a Reiki therapy, it is important to take advantage of the balance, the recovered vitality and the increase of consciousness to grow and evolve after the session. If one goes back to the old habits and ways of thinking, the blocks sooner or later will reappear. By raising your level of consciousness and your vibration brings you closer to your true essence, who you really are, and helps you connect with your true purposes.

It is also important to say that Reiki is not only a therapy, one can choose it as a way of spiritual growth by taking the courses or levels that will allow you to work the different aspects of your being to not only develop the healing ability but to evolve as a person and thus be a good channel, as clean as possible, to help oneself and thus be able to help others. Reiki allows you to find the secret keys of your expansion, it is that hidden gift that you have always carried within you.

Do Not Make This Common Mistake
We are used to not feeling, when something hurts, or we feel nervous or sad, we use that magic pill that anaesthetises us, and if we do not look for other things that distract us from discomfort.
The physical pain and the unpleasant emotion are not there to punish us, nor make life impossible, they are not divine punishment. They have a very important task; they are alarms, signals that warn us when something does not work correctly. But if we do not listen to them, we will never be able to know what we have to change, if it is our diet, if it is our way of thinking, what limiting beliefs we have to free ourselves ... For that reason,

Reiki healing gives us what we need, not what we want, acting on the origin of the problem, not the symptom. The therapist does not heal, only applies the healing energy restoring the energetic balance of the person, and it is the one who receives it which really heals. The body regains its power of self-healing but it is necessary that the person has the intention to heal (consciously and unconsciously). For this reason, often the symptom disappears or is relieved during the session, but others need more time, especially in those cases in which the problem is deeply rooted and for example, we have a physical symptom of emotional origin. The attitude of the person who is going to receive Reiki has to be relaxed, confident, without mind, without expectations, just waiting to feel, focused on breathing and sensations.

And I repeat, after the session, it is important that the person take advantage of the balance and energy recharge to carry out the necessary changes with a clear intention and a strong commitment to take responsibility for their life.


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