A Head Massage to Relieve Headaches
If you want to relieve tension headaches without resorting
to medication, you can opt for a massage. The best massage for relieving pain
is the Indian head massage. There are various Indian head massage benefits
including relieving headache, body pain, stress, depression, etc. By working
the right pressure points you will be able to alleviate the pain much earlier.
Massages are undoubtedly the best way to relieve tensions
and much-localised pains. But, can you get rid of headaches through them? Of
course, it is possible, but always that it is a headache associated with
vascular and muscular tensions, those that cause so much tiredness and
The so-called tension headache is one of the most common
pains in the population. We all suffer, young, old, men and women. Sometimes
our daily life demands too many obligations, too many tensions, anxieties...
effects that end up translating into physical pain, into suffering.
The Benefit of Massage in Tension Headache
A tension headache happens when the muscles of our neck and
scalp contract in response to stress. This
contraction in both the muscles and our nerves makes the effect of one, or the
simple pressure of our fingers at certain points, can unlock and relax. What we
do have clear is that, before resorting to an aspirin or another type of drug,
it is always better to try something that has zero side effects like massage or more specifically the Indian head massage.
Indian head massage also effect our nervous system. The benefits of Indian head massage on nervous system includes improved blood circulation, cleanse immune system, and more.
Pressure Points
These are accumulations of nerves located in certain points
of the body, such as at the temples. When you exercise an effective massage in
these areas, blood circulation is regulated throughout the body. Tense muscles
relax, and pain is relieved in the head, neck and even the muscles of the face.
Let's see how to perform a good reflexology massage to get
relief of headaches.
How to Perform a Good Head Massage to Relieve Headache
It is essential that before starting this massage, you drink
a glass of water or two. In this way, you will stay hydrated over the course of
the massage therapy.
Step 1
The first thing we will do is to take our thumbs in that
space where our nose is already joined to the forehead. Once you have this point identified, you only have to exert a slight
pressure - you do not have to feel pain. Stay like this for about 10 seconds,
then rest for a minute and repeat this same exercise five times. It is very
Step 2
The next step will be to massage the area under the
eyebrows. To do this, you only have to close your eyes and pinch slightly that
area that is just below our eyebrows, where, for example, you put on your
eyeshadows when it comes to make-up. By gently piping we stimulate the
circulation of blood. To do the massage, you have to use the index finger and
thumb of each hand and pinch the skin under the eyebrows. It's very simple, you
only have to hold the skin between your fingers for ten seconds and release it.
Repeat the same five times.
Step 3
Then, in this step of the massage to relieve your headache,
we will focus on the area of the temples. It is possible that this type of
exercise you have done yourself once. It involves exercising a pressure point
that reactivates circulation and relieves pain. To do this, you have to put
your hands on your temples, and do a little pressure-always mild-for about ten
seconds. Once done, rest 15 seconds and re-start it five times too.
Step 4
In this step, we continue in the area of the temples. It is
an essential part when it comes to relieving our tension. Now, after having
exercised only pressure in the previous step, we are going to make circular
movements with the fingers in this area of the temples. Too easy. Do it for 30
seconds, rest 10 and repeat it twice.
To finish this massage and get completely relax, do a few
stretches with your neck to the left and right, slowly, very slowly. In this
way, you will be able to relax the entire cervical area.
You can repeat the cycle of these steps two to three times
to find relief. As you can see it is a very simple massage. Once you are
finished, remember to drink a glass of water. Your circulation will have
improved, and you will be well hydrated.
This post is very interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing. Do share more.
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