Reflexology of Children
Many parents look for complementary therapies to help their children when they suffer minor ailments. Reflexology is particularly useful, as it is gentle and non-invasive.
Small babies should be treated with extreme care: the lightest touch of a feather applied to specific parts of the hands or feet can soothe a baby with colic.
Children's Reflexology
The Reflexology aims to stimulate pressure points in precise hands and feet to help the body help itself. Young children are often intrigued with these techniques and can be taught simple self-help routines to ease their sleep, calm their nerves, and even help with breathing when they have a respiratory disorder.
Vertical Reflexology Therapy
The Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) is a technique where deep reflexology hands and feet are treated briefly in a position of weight bearing, with the idea that this may increase the therapeutic response. VRT is a useful addition to conventional reflexology and can be used extensively when we adopt positions to dress infants and toddlers who are in constant motion.
Adaptive Reflexology
The adaptive reflexology is a term applied to reflexology sessions in a chronic disease where the therapist has to be prepared to change position, helping the patient to move and adapt to a variety of positions or applying unconventional techniques. This is to give greater comfort and safety to the client while waiting to obtain the maximum benefits of reflexology. A good therapist must also have the same adaptive approach in the treatment of children. It is unlikely that they will sit still for a long time and get distracted very easily. Using your hands and feet and moving them with the help of a parent or caregiver make the reflexology session both feasible and fun for the child.
Reflexology For Babies
Babies are especially sensitive to reflexology. Many mothers instinctively massage the feet and hands of their children when they are irritated, cry, or just feel uncomfortable.
Foot Reflexology Massage For Children
According to some famous hand reflexologists The reflexology synergistic when the hand and identical footwork at the same time is a good choice to use when a small baby feeds, since he or she can be cradled in the arms of their parents, while a hand massage the foot slightly activating stomach or intestine reflexively, the other hand gently caresses the palm of the baby's hand on the same side of his body. You should never work your baby's toes or toes because they are too fragile.
Reflexology is especially beneficial for babies born in a difficult birth, for example, in those who have used forceps. The bones of the skull of the newborn have experienced great pressure as a result of the use of these instruments, and these bones may have been slightly misaligned. Reflexology can help correct this in a very gentle way.
Reflexology for Children
Young children enjoy themselves by learning VRT techniques on their hands, ranging from working the reflexes of the lung for asthma to hand rolling techniques for insomnia. This balancing technique can also be used to great effect to calm a child who is having a panic attack In this way, a young child can learn some of these techniques to use when they need it.
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