Foot Reflexology - Your Benefits

The foot reflexology is a therapeutic technique based on the stimulation of points on the foot, called reflex zones.
It involves the application of a manual massage that applies pressure in reflex areas of the feet to produce specific effects in other parts of the body.

Origin Of Foot Reflexology

The Reflexology is an ancient technique with origins in ancient China, Egypt and the tribes of the United States. Papyri have been found in Egypt dating from the year 2000 a. of C. in which the application of massages in plants of feet and hands is shown. The Egyptians discovered that there were parts and organs of the body that had a reflex point on the soles of the feet and, on stimulating each of UK best foot massage point, a sense of relief was produced.

Papyrus Found In Egypt Where Foot Reflexology Is Applied

In the United States, the Cherokee Indians of North Carolina applied massages on the feet as part of a sacred ceremony, because they believed that feet being our contact with the earth was also part of the energies that flow from it.
The reflexology modern born in the early twentieth century the work of American physician William Fitzgerald, who noted that the application in certain areas of the hands and feet caused aesthetic effects elsewhere in the body. With these discoveries, he established that the human body was traversed, longitudinally by ten meridians, five in each half of the body, suggesting that there is a direct relationship between the different areas and the different organs of the body.

Map Of Points Of Foot Reflexology. By Stacy Simone, Via Wikimedia Commons

With these discoveries, he established that the human body was traversed, longitudinally by ten meridians, five in each half of the body, suggesting that there is a direct relationship between the different areas and the different organs of the body. The American masseuse Eunice Ingham developed this later, tracing reflex areas on the foot that correspond to the entire body.

Benefits Of Foot Reflexology

Reflexology applied to the feet is a therapy that can help us both to prevent different symptoms and ailments and to achieve a physical and mental balance. Here are some general benefits we can achieve with foot reflexology:
  • It's relaxing.
  • Relieve the stress.
  • Activate blood circulation.
  • Loosen contractures.
  • It enhances sleep quality.
  • Activate the immune system.
  • It promotes mechanisms of purification and elimination of toxins.
  • Balance the different systems.

Contraindications Of Foot Reflexology

Although in the beginning foot reflexology has no contraindications there are cases in which its application is not recommended. These cases are the following:
  • Acute processes of fever.
  • Osteoporosis of the foot or leg.
  • Ischaemic diseases of the heart (sinus angina, myocardial infarction)
  • Pregnancies with the risk of abortion.
  • Acute infections in general.

As we have seen foot reflexology, it is a natural therapy that brings many benefits to our body. However, it is not exempt from contraindications, which we must assess before carrying out the treatment.


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