Relieve Your Headache With Reflexology Or A Foot Massage

The massages to take care of the pains of the body are one of those techniques that little by little has been gained a space between the methods to which the people resort to trying to eliminate some type of affection or of pain that is present in its body. This is due to the fact that the massages act directly on the area in question and that in addition to their action on the pain they will relax us.

There are many people who are unaware of one of its variants, reflexology, and a technique with which we will be able to relieve the tension of our body thanks to a certain way in which they will be applying massages in certain areas of the body.

In general, reflexology is applied with massages that are very soft in the patients, causing in most cases a total relaxation in people who are inclined to this type of method. Remember that the feet have more than 5000 nerve endings which of course influence other areas of the body.

A Headache And Reflexology

For example, it is common to think about a headache which is a condition that is very difficult to find which is the area directly related to its origin or origin. Well, regularly it is usually a manifestation of stress, fever, flu processes or a problem with the liver.

From this information by Indian head massage center, it is possible that we try to calm a headache with reflexology that is with the help of some massages on the feet.

  • Start by getting as comfortable as possible and raise your foot as clean as possible over the opposite knee. Next, you will start from the area of the big toe with a gentle massage. Work on the insertion of the finger with the foot so does not be afraid to massage it, go stretching it and give it a few pulls as if you want it to sound.
  • Continue massaging the fingertip because this is the part related to a headache.
  • With pinches, pressures and going through the arch of the soles of your feet, you will be noticing how your pain gradually calms down.
  • To finish, go to the right foot, get in the middle of it and massage while pressing a little.
  • As you do the massage, you will have to breathe and exhale whenever you put pressure on the foot.
  • The massage should last less than 15 minutes.
  • When you finish with all the above, we advise you to take a bath with warm water, salt, and some vinegar to rest your feet.
If you perform these massages regularly, you will feel a significant improvement in headaches and general health.


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