
Showing posts from October, 2018

Reiki, 5 Powerful Reasons To Know It

On this occasion, I want to take the opportunity to answer several questions that you have sent me about Reiki and its benefits. It's a topic that I love, and I love sharing my experience with this wonderful art of healing that has contributed so much to my life, ready?  What Is Reiki? Japanese Reiki is a natural treatment of millennial healing that was rediscovered by Master Mikao Usui in Japan at the beginning of the last century. It is a technique of energy harmonisation that helps restore physical, mental and emotional health. I said rediscovered because Master Usui sent it to us in the concrete way we know it today, but Reiki is based on the ancestral practice known as the imposition of hands that has been practised all over the world since the beginning of humanity. No, Reiki practitioners do not wear a cone hat, nor is it something of miracle workers and self-righteous, because it really is a natural ability of the human being, which like many other skills w...

Benefits of Facial Massages

The skin of the face is extremely sensitive, and we cannot do anything to avoid the passage of time, but what you can do is try to delay the signs of ageing as much as possible. There are hundreds of natural products, masks, and even food is something that can help you prevent wrinkles, but have you tried doing self-massage? It is essential to remove your face every day before going to bed in this way you will eliminate not only the remains of make-up but also pollution particles, bacteria, soil, etc. After washing and moisturising your face, it is time to give a relaxing massage to find the tension points in your muscles and so you can apply the necessary tension to relax consciously. Here we tell you the best facial massage techniques and their benefits that you can use, try them and tell us what results you got: Massage With Ice Cubes You would never have imagined all its benefits! By applying the cubes on your face you will improve blood circulation, which will gi...

Facial Exercises To Look Up To Three Years Younger

These are some of the facial exercises that have been shown to significantly reduce some of the signs of ageing, according to an interesting recent study on the effects on the appearance of people of repeating certain specific movements.  Sculpting The Cheeks The fit face exercise helps create a better shape on the cheekbones. It hardens all the muscles of the cheeks and helps raise the middle part of the face. 1. Smile without showing your teeth, while turning your lips outward as if trying to show as many lips as possible. Try to smile with the corners of your mouth while pulling up all the muscles in your cheeks. You should feel a slight "burning" sensation at the corners of your mouth. 2. Place the index fingers just above the corners of the mouth and press firmly. Now slowly slide your indexes upwards, until you reach the cheekbones, pressing the muscle very hard and deeply. 3. Maintaining that pressure, use the fingertips to lift those muscle fi...

What is Reiki and all Benefits of this Therapy

Reiki is one of the alternative therapies that is recognised and by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a complementary means of traditional treatments to cure patients. Traditional medicine treats the physical part of patients and the symptoms that lead to diseases in our body. However, nowadays it is recognised that thoughts, emotions, and feelings influence our health, even if they cannot be seen. It is in this field that Reiki works and brings significant and remarkable improvements in all those who choose this form of healing. The word Reiki is of Japanese origin and means universal life energy, which is all the energy that surrounds us, that acts in us and that lives in all matter. King means: universal; and Ki means vital energy. So Reiki is the force of this vital energy that flows through all living beings. How Does Reiki Therapy Work Reiki is a method of natural healing, originating in Japan for more than a century and is the transmission of energy through...

Indian Head Techniques and Benefits of Massage

Headaches are common when one is having a hectic day. it can make it difficult for you to concentrate on the work that you're doing. Champi, the Indian word for head massage gives relief from stress and tension, refreshes your mood, relaxes and renews with the clarity of mind. Indian head massage benefits, as it is a very popular treatment to overcome stress, headache and work tension. We will review the techniques of head massage to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, the most important benefits of head massage.  Indian Oil:  • A deep relaxation  • Improves circulation and lymphatic drainage to head, neck, scalp, face, and shoulders • Provides relief from headaches and migraines  • relaxation of the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders  • Stimulates hair growth and hair cures loss  • improves concentration and memory  • to relax the eyes and improves eyesight.  Indian Head  Good head reflexolo...

Reflexology of Children

Many parents look for complementary therapies to help their children when they suffer minor ailments. Reflexology is particularly useful, as it is gentle and non-invasive. Small babies should be treated with extreme care: the lightest touch of a feather applied to specific parts of the hands or feet can soothe a baby with colic. Children's Reflexology The Reflexology aims to stimulate pressure points in precise hands and feet to help the body help itself. Young children are often intrigued with these techniques and can be taught simple self-help routines to ease their sleep, calm their nerves, and even help with breathing when they have a respiratory disorder. Vertical Reflexology Therapy The Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) is a technique where deep reflexology hands and feet are treated briefly in a position of weight bearing, with the idea that this may increase the therapeutic response. VRT is a useful addition to conventional reflexology and can be used exten...