Relieve Your Headache With Reflexology Or A Foot Massage

The massages to take care of the pains of the body are one of those techniques that little by little has been gained a space between the methods to which the people resort to trying to eliminate some type of affection or of pain that is present in its body. This is due to the fact that the massages act directly on the area in question and that in addition to their action on the pain they will relax us. There are many people who are unaware of one of its variants, reflexology, and a technique with which we will be able to relieve the tension of our body thanks to a certain way in which they will be applying massages in certain areas of the body. In general, reflexology is applied with massages that are very soft in the patients, causing in most cases a total relaxation in people who are inclined to this type of method. Remember that the feet have more than 5000 nerve endings which of course influence other areas of the body. A Headache And Reflexology For example, it is comm...